Beneath the Helmet explores the story of Five Israeli high school graduates drafted into the military. Eden Adler (First Lieutenant), Oren Giladi (Private), Mekonan Abebe (Private), Eilon Cohen (Private), Coral Amarani (Sergeant). The teens enter into training for eight months, discovering their core values, unearthing emotions from the past and learning that their lives are […]
Multicom’s Summer 2018 Releases
We’re excited to announce five new titles premiering this summer…. Multicom has a handful of new releases for you to enjoy, this summer 2018! From comedy to drama, to iconic stories of romance, we have it all. Most of our releases are set for July and August, and will be available on Digital, Blu-Ray or […]
Many of our titles celebrate the power of women — whether that be in their passion, their work or their drive, and we believe now more than ever that it is important to celebrate these characteristics. Problems arising in the entertainment industry, as well as other facets of the world, have not only brought attention […]
Rockabilly is a unique blend of music that dates back to the 1950’s– a popular mix of country styles with rhythm and blues. It combines these sweet sounds and a 50s flair to execute the unique folk-blues hybrid. The sounds grew out of the South in the 1950s with local artists, expanding nationwide by […]
The Multicom library possesses a number of documentary features and series, with a wide range of topics– many of which are available for streaming on Amazon Prime. While some docs are related to pop culture, celebrities or music, many others spotlight specific issues in society, aiming to educate and raise awareness. Here are […]